
How To Repair Cracked Granite Top

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If you accept a croaky granite surface that needs to be repaired, you kickoff demand to assess what blazon of crack information technology is. Hairline cracks or chips are repaired differently than a fully broken piece is. Then y'all can proceed with the repair, which volition include preparing the surface, supporting and masking the expanse, applying the filler, so buffing out the area.

  1. 1

    Decide whether the scissure or scrap needs to be repaired at all. Pocket-sized surface cracks and fries that don't get all the manner through the granite can be unsightly, but they don't pose a threat to the longevity of your granite surface. In fact, small cracks that become with the grain of the granite, called fissures, are a normal attribute of the stone.[1]

    • If you can just encounter a hairline cleft from a very specific bending and you tin't feel it when y'all run your hand across the surface, then it is likely that the crack is completely harmless and can be left lonely.
    • To ensure that these small imperfections do not become more unsightly, exist sure to seal your granite regularly, usually once a year.
  2. 2

    Collect matching granite grit. In social club to make the repair blend in with the rest of the slab, you lot will need to colour the gum to lucifer it. This is done by using some of the granite to color the glue. To create granite grit, use a grinder with a diamond grinding bit to become over the surface of a matching slice of granite. The fine dust created is what y'all will use.[two]

    • Y'all will need no more than than ii teaspoons of granite powder to repair near cracks under ane foot (0.30 m) long.
    • If you have an actress slice of the counter acme material, you lot can use this. Yous can likewise remove a bit of granite dust from an surface area that is not visible, such as the underside of a counter top.
    • Wearable a dust mask that is rated for this blazon of particulate.


  3. 3

    Mask off the area. Cover the expanse all around the flake or crack so that the filler volition not get all over the surface. Use painter'southward record or any other record product that can concur up to epoxy or resin, and yet will come off the granite hands when you are done.[3]

    • Mask off to within ane8 inch (0.32 cm) around the whole scissure or chip so that cleaning up will be easier.
  4. 4

    Mix 2-part epoxy and the granite dust. Follow the directions supplied with the epoxy you are using, which typically includes mixing a set amount of each part of the epoxy with each other. And so add together the granite dust until the production is a thick paste that is the aforementioned general color every bit the granite.[4]

    • Pick an epoxy that states on its packaging that it can exist used for granite or stone repair.
    • Use a wooden paint mixer or other disposable tool with at least 1 apartment side to mix the epoxy. Tongue depressors work exceptionally well for this job. This tool will then also exist used for applying the epoxy to the crack.
  5. v

    Apply the epoxy. Smear the epoxy into the crack or chip until it is filled. Yous can do this with the tool y'all used to mix the epoxy. Then smoothen it out equally much as you tin can, as whatsoever bumps will demand to be sanded down.

    • The epoxy does tend to compress a bit while drying, so it'due south improve to over-fill the crack than to under-make full information technology.


  1. 1

    Support the broken section. Many times the pieces that interruption off of granite counter tops are not supported well. If this is the case, yous need to find a fashion to back up the cleaved piece during and after the repair. This will let you to make a secure repair and will prepare the problem that acquired the break in the get-go identify.

    • For example, if an overhanging piece of granite has snapped off, you lot will need to install a metal support under the overhang to hold the granite up. This tin exist a piece of angle iron or other 50-shaped bracket that can hold the granite's weight during and after the repair.
  2. ii

    Tape off all surrounding surfaces. Since you lot volition be using a potent glue to reattach the granite, information technology's important to mask off surrounding surfaces. This includes all of the granite counter top that surrounds the crack.[5]

    • Employ painter's tape or a similar product to do the masking. The product should be able to stand up to the mucilage y'all are using simply still be hands removed in the stop.
    • Masking completely volition too assist you if you need to remove the counter tiptop or surfaces around information technology in the futurity. For example, keeping the glue off a sink in the counter top will ensure that the sink tin can be removed in the futurity without damaging the counter acme.
  3. 3

    Clean all of the connecting surfaces. When reattaching a slice of broken granite, you demand to make sure all of the surfaces are free of dirt and loose droppings. This includes granite grit that may take been created when the piece broke off. Brush off any loose pieces and so use acetone or another residue costless cleaner to wipe downwardly the surfaces.[6]

    • Let this surface dry before proceeding with the reattachment.
  4. 4

    Mix the epoxy with matching granite grit. In guild to get a seam that blends in, yous want to contain some of the granite into the epoxy. First mix the epoxy equally directed on its packaging. So blend in the granite dust until the mixture becomes a thick paste that is the same color as the existing granite.[seven]

    • Create the granite grit with a grinder, either by grinding a section of the granite that is non normally visible or grinding a spare piece you have lying around.
    • Use a wood paint stick or other disposable tool, such equally a disposable plastic knife, to mix the epoxy and dust mixture.
  5. 5

    Apply the commencement coat of epoxy. Once all the surfaces are make clean and dry, you can brainstorm applying the adhesive. Utilise the tool yous used to mix the epoxy to utilise it to all the surfaces individually. So stick the surfaces together. If big amounts of epoxy ooze out of the crack, wipe these off with a disposable rag.[8]

    • Follow the application directions supplied with the epoxy. However, virtually epoxy products require yous to apply the adhesive on all surfaces before sticking them together.
    • This coat is used strictly to glue the broken surfaces back together. Another coat of epoxy will be used to smooth out the top surface of the fissure.
  6. vi

    Shim and tape the expanse. In one case the cleaved piece is reapplied, y'all want to make sure that it dries in the right spot. To do this, put shims under information technology to ensure it is at the same level equally the larger slice it broke off of. Likewise tape it in place with more painter's tape if it needs more than back up.[9]

    • Besides make sure that everyone in your household knows not to touch the area for the next 24-hour interval or so. Having someone knock into the repaired area before information technology is dry could create a larger repair trouble.
  7. 7

    Utilise a 2nd coat of epoxy. When repairing complete breaks, you will demand to apply a second coat of epoxy to shine out the top surface. Mix up a new batch of epoxy, including the granite dust, and smooth information technology into the crack. With this coat focus on getting the surface equally smooth as possible, as any bumps or imperfections volition take some effort to buff out.[ten]

    • This is necessary considering your start coat volition shrink as information technology dries. This shrinkage volition create a slight dip at the crack that the 2nd glaze will fill up.


  1. 1

    Allow the epoxy to dry out. Drying times for epoxy vary depending on the brand and the type. Follow the drying times on the package the epoxy came in to ensure that information technology is solid before moving forward.[11]

    • The drying time for epoxy used to repair granite is typically around 24 hours.
  2. 2

    Clean and vitrify the surface. Remove the masking and assess the expanse. Use a razor blade to make clean off any irregularities in the patch. Then apply your buffing wheels to gradually build upwards the shine on the repaired expanse.[12]

    • When buffing your repair, beginning with wet buffing pads and motion through the grits, from 100 grit to 3000 grit. With each pad you should work on the area until it is a consequent smoothness, and so motility on to the next finer pad.
    • After going through the wet buffing pads, first with the dry buffing pads. Start with a 400 grit pad and work your way through to a 3000 grit pad.
  3. iii

    Utilize tin oxide to shine the surface. If you want to get the area actually shiny, you tin use tin can oxide, besides known as lapidary polish, to vitrify out the area. Put on safety or latex gloves and put a small amount of tin oxide on a felt pad. Then rub the area by manus for about 10 minutes. Later that, wipe the surface area off with a newspaper towel and surface cleaner to see the whole area shine.[13]

    • Tin oxide is available online from lapidary suppliers.
    • Tin can oxide comes in a variety of colors, so choice one that closely matches the color of your granite.


  1. 1

    Support the underside of the counter peak. When granite is installed, information technology should have solid supports installed underneath the entirety of it. This could exist whatever type of solid, rigid base, such as 34 inch (1.9 cm) plywood or concrete lath.[14]

    • There are specialty brackets available online that are fabricated to support granite overhangs, such as those used to create eating areas at the end of counter tops.
  2. ii

    Apply rods along the underside of cutout edges. Granite counter tops often crack in narrow stretches that are not as strong as the residual of the slab. In these areas, such as areas in front or behind a sink, information technology'southward a good thought to apply a steel rod or metal strip to give these narrow areas added strength.

    • Granite fabricators can practice this in their shops. They volition cut a slot for the rod to sit in and and so epoxy it in place. Talk to your fabricator nigh this option before having new counter tops cut to shape.
  3. 3

    Have an experienced professional install your granite. Don't have a general contractor or handyman do the task. Instead, hire someone whose entire chore is installing granite, as they will have a deeper understanding of the material and how to install it correctly.[xv]

    • If you want to install granite yourself, talk to a professional person or 2 before moving forrad with the project. They may be able to give you key communication almost your specific project, including what pitfalls to avoid.


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Things You'll Need

  • ii-part epoxy or resin fabricated for granite
  • Surface cleaner
  • Painter's tape
  • Permanent support brackets, if necessary
  • Shims or other temporary supports
  • Polishing pads and sander

About This Article

Article Summary Ten

If you take an unsightly cleft in your granite surface, yous tin repair information technology with a grinder and epoxy. You don't need to fix hairline cracks, only if you have a significant fissure, you lot should repair it to prevent farther damage. To do this, you lot'll first demand to grind the surface with a diamond scrap to create granite dust. Then, you'll demand to mix 1 function granite dust with two parts epoxy to create a thick paste, smear information technology into the fissure, and smoothen it out with a flat tool. If your granite surface is chipped and you still have the broken piece, you can also reattach it using epoxy. Once yous've fixed the fissure or bit, buff information technology with sandpaper to make the surface smooth over again. For more tips, including how to prevent future cracks in your granite, read on!

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