
iPhone 12 tips: 10 features you should enable and disable right away

iPhone 12 tips: 10 features you should enable and disable right away

iPhone 12 features to enable
(Image credit: Future)

No matter how you've gotten your hands on ane of Apple's iPhone 12 models — whether it'southward a gift you unwrapped during the holidays or something you treated yourself to — your centre is probably all aflutter nearly the prospect of a make new Apple tree phone. But before y'all dive in, you might be wondering what fancy new features are available in the iPhone 12.

Even long-time iPhone users might detect some of the additions and enhancements in the iPhone 12 to contain  a few surprises. To aid y'all make the most of your new phone, here are the iPhone 12 features you should bank check out get-go and what you demand to do to enable and disable these newfound capabilities.

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iPhone 12 features: Managing 5G

One of the most ballyhooed features of the new iPhone 12 line is its support for the footloose and fancy-costless new cellular networking technology called 5G. Yous've probably heard that 5G volition enable faster speeds and allow for higher quality streaming — one time it becomes available in your surface area, that is..

Nevertheless, there are some considerations before you get 5G total-time. For i affair, unless you've got a data program that specifically includes 5G coverage — such as the best unlimited data plans, for example — you actually can't take hop onto a 5G network at volition. Even if you can, that extra speed can likewise eat through your phone'southward battery life. In other cases, you may simply not have 5G available in your neck of the woods yet and desire to turn off 5G on your iPhone 12 until y'all do.

iPhone 12 features to enable 5g

(Image credit: Tom's Guide)

Easy enough: Only open Settings on your iPhone, get to the Cellular department and tap on Vox & Information. In that location you tin choose between three options: 5G On defaults to 5G whenever a compatible network can exist found, but will swallow upwardly your battery faster; 5G Auto enables a Smart Information mode that only uses the faster speeds when information technology provides a real benefit; and switching back to LTE turns off 5G completely, for lower speeds but better battery life.

iPhone 12 features: Data consumption

In addition to choosing your 5G usage, you besides have control over how your iPhone consumes data. Go to Settings > Cellular > Information Style, and y'all'll be able to option from three options.

iphone 12 features to enable data usage

(Paradigm credit: Tom's Guide)

The default Standard fashion lets sure functions — like automated updates and tasks that apps perform in the background — continue to work on cellular, while downgrading FaceTime and video quality while on your mobile network, to salve information.

If you lot are using a 5G connexion, you can tell the system to Permit More than Data on 5G, which gives you lot ameliorate quality for streaming video and FaceTime calls. (Merely be sure to bank check what your information plan allows — most carriers throttle you lot down to lower speeds one time you pass a certain allotment of data.)

And if you're in a really data-constrained situation (say you're traveling overseas and paying by the megabyte), you can activate the Low Data Way to reduce data usage even farther on both Wi-Fi and cellular by pausing those automobile updates and background tasks. The power is yours!

iPhone 12 features: Fine-tuning Face ID

The iPhone 12 may be your first phone with Face up ID, so if you're new to the biometric authentication system you might come across some challenges. For example, y'all may not know that sure types of sunglasses tin interfere with the infrared cameras used to recognize your face up for phone unlocking and mobile payment verification.

That'southward a bummer, merely if yous don't want to ditch your favorite shades, there's a work around.

iPhone 12 features to enable face id

(Image credit: Tom's Guide)

Go to Settings > Face ID & Passcode and disable Crave Attention for Face up ID. This means the organization doesn't demand to be able to detect your eyes in social club to recognize your face up. Yep, that makes Face ID marginally less secure, but it will at to the lowest degree save you from having to constantly whip off your sunglasses, David Caruso-style.

iPhone 12 features: Enable picture-in-picture video

We've all been there: we're watching a video on our iPhone or iPad and have to jump over to another app to write a note, reply a text, or check something in a browser, interrupting our precious cute true cat video.

iPhone 12 features to enable picture in picture

(Image credit: Tom's Guide)

Fortunately, one of the handiest new features of iOS 14 is picture-in-picture video. When you know how to utilize motion-picture show-in-picture video, you can become back to the Habitation screen or some other app when watching video in a supported app, and the video will announced as a pop-up window in the corner of your screen. It keeps playing even as you take care of your side chore.

how to use iOS 14 picture-in-picture

(Image credit: Future)

In nearly cases, you'll be able to manually enter Picture in Picture fashion from a fullscreen video, only to make PiP the default, burn down up Settings, go to the General section, and so to Picture in Pic. From at that place, enable Start PiP Automatically.

iPhone 12 features: Turn off FaceTime'southward floating windows

We all spend much more time on video chats than we did a yr agone, and while Apple tree's FaceTime is a useful mode to stay in impact with friends, family unit, and even co-workers, it has its shortcomings.

To name one: multi-person FaceTime video calls automatically try to select whoever's speaking and overstate their image on the screen, but with a lot of participants (and FaceTime video can support up to 32 people, which can brand for *quite* a busy call), that can quickly get dizzying.

iPhone 12 features to enable FaceTime

(Image credit: Tom's Guide)

The adept news is that yous tin plow that characteristic off. Just go to Settings > FaceTime, and disable the switch for Speaking nether the Automated Prominence section. Now everybody will stay nice and still while you're talking to them, which is great for your motion sickness.

Similarly, while you're on a video call using your iPhone, one thing that's frequently tricky is knowing where to wait. The iPhone 12'due south forepart photographic camera is in one place, the pictures on the screen are somewhere else, so where do your eyes go?

In ane of the stranger features Apple now offers, you tin go to Settings > FaceTime and enable the Eye Contact option. This feature lets your iPhone use motorcar learning to observe where your eyes are and brand information technology appear as though you're looking directly at the camera.

iPhone 12 features to enable

(Image credit: Tom'southward Guide)

Weird? Yes. A harbinger of the robot apocalypse? Maybe. But the people you lot're talking to won't know and it can practise a trivial flake to make video calls experience less awkward.

iPhone 12 features: Using Apple tree ProRAW

Here'south one just for iPhone 12 Pro and iPhone 12 Pro Max owners. Apple'due south latest iOS update brings a new format to the Pro model iPhones that should appeal to those who similar to accept the nearly control over their photographs: Apple ProRAW.

iPhone 12 features to enable Apple ProRAW

(Image credit: Tom's Guide)

Apple touts Apple ProRAW as a way to accept the flexibility of being able to edit photo characteristics similar exposure, color, and white remainder while maintaining the quality of the RAW format oft used on high-end digital cameras.

Keep in mind that this characteristic is really aimed at those photographers who want to touch on up their images later on the fact, and that it is definitely non for the space conscious. ProRAW images use roughly 10 to 12 times as much storage space as a traditional JPEG. And ProRAW isn't bachelor while shooting in Portrait mode, with Live Photos, or in video.

iPhone 12 features to enable Apple ProRAW

(Image credit: Tom'southward Guide)

With all those caveats in mind, you can actuate the format in Settings > Camera > Formats, by turning on the toggle marked Apple ProRAW. Y'all'll then be able to toggle the ProRAW mode on a shot-past-shot basis in the Camera app by tapping the RAW button.

iPhone 12 features: Video HDR

Speaking of fancy new prototype formats, while video can't take advantage of Apple's new ProRAW format, information technology gets its own boost on the iPhone 12 with the add-on of HDR.

Loftier Dynamic Range has been effectually in photos for a while, but the iPhone 12 lineup marks the first time this capability is available in videos in the form of the very fancy Dolby Vision HDR standard, which enhances color and contrast.

iPhone 12 features to enable video hdr

(Image credit: Tom's Guide)

To enable the feature on your iPhone 12 model, get to Settings > Camera > Record Video and make certain HDR Video is enabled. At present your videos tin can rival those of professional person filmmakers!

iPhone 12 features: Restore full-screen call notifications

One recent alter to iOS is in the way that phone and FaceTime calls testify upward while you're using your device. Previously, they used to take over the entire display, but now in iOS fourteen, they default to banner notifications, just every bit when you get a text or email. That ways they don't disrupt what yous're doing, but they can also exist easier to miss or dismiss accidentally.

iPhone 12 features to enable call notifications

(Image credit: Tom'southward Guide)

If you long for the old style, never fearfulness. Simply open Settings, become to Phone, tap Incoming Calls, and choose Full Screen. (You can also change it in Settings > FaceTime > Incoming Calls, but changing it in one place automatically changes it in the other as well.)

iPhone 12 features: Enable spatial audio

The perfect accompaniment for fancy video is, of class, fancy audio. If y'all've got a pair of Apple'south AirPods Pro or new AirPods Max, you tin pair them with your iPhone 12 and get the new Spatial Sound feature.

And then, when watching supported content — I recommend Ted Lasso or The Mandalorian — you tin can get out your phone behind and feel like the audio is coming directly out of your device, no matter where you go. It's a little difficult to explain, merely it'southward mind-bravado when you see it in use.

iPhone 12 features to enable spatial audio

(Epitome credit: Tom's Guide)

To enable spatial audio, y'all'll need your AirPods paired with your iPhone. Then get into Settings > Bluetooth and tap the "i" button next to your headphones. Scroll down and tap Spatial Audio — yous'll even have the opportunity to try it out right in that location. After all, equally they say, hearing is believing.

Dan Moren is the author of multiple sci-fi books including The Caledonian Gamibt and The Aleph Extraction. He'south besides a long-time Mac author, having worked for Macworld and contributed to the Half-dozen Colors web log, where he writes well-nigh all things Apple. His work has besides appeared in Popular Science, Fast Company, and more


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