
How To Install Beaver Builder On Wordpress

WordPress is a darling of many. Absolute beginners, tech-savvy business owners, bloggers, web designers, and seasoned developers – name it – all have a thing for the platform.

Everybody is pining for WordPress, and that's because it's versatile, full of options, and ridiculously easy to learn and use. The platform comes with a million and one themes plus plugins that make building websites completely effortless.


As long as your WordPress installation is working, all you need is a theme and a few plugins, and you have a website. The only problem is every other person is using the very same themes and plugins you chose. For this reason, there's very little room for diversity – just a bunch of people using the same themes and plugins over and over.

What should you do to differentiate yourself? There are a couple of options.

You can build your own theme from scratch, which takes an eternity and money. You can hire a WordPress developer to get you there, but it will be expensive and time consuming to say the least. You can take the road less traveled, install WP Beaver Builder, and craft a website out of your dreams block by block, element by element.

WP Beaver Builder allows you to create a one of a kind WordPress website in minutes, so that you don't have to spend time and money on WordPress themes or developers.

In this review, we will take the WP Beaver Builder apart, and show you exactly why it should be your number one choice as you put together your next WordPress project.

Enjoy and don't forget to get your own copy via the nice button at the end. It will save you money, and help us keep these free reviews coming your way!

What is WordPress Beaver Builder?

First things first, what is this animal we are calling WP Beaver Builder? What does it do exactly, and why should you even keep reading? I will quote the one and only, Joe Fylan.

Beaver Builder is an intuitive drag and drop page builder plugin for WordPress that aims to help you build custom websites in minutes not months.

So again, what's Beaver Builder? I would tell you it's an awesome WordPress plugin that helps you to build websites in seconds, but I would be paraphrasing what Joe just said.

Beaver Builder is a plugin yes – but it's more than just your typical WordPress plugin. It's a framework. It's an engine of sorts; a complete toolset that adds ease to WordPress website development.

Once you learn the ropes, and it's easy peasy work, you will put together beautiful websites in no time. It beats searching, downloading, installing and configuring WordPress themes, since it's fully customizable all from one easy-to-use interface.

Now, thanks to all the ingenuity that went into the making of Beaver plugin, we have exactly the page builder you've been waiting for.

Get WP Beaver Builder

Beaver Builder Review & Features

Now that we no longer have the elephant smack in the center of the room, it is time to let you know why you should bother checking out, and ultimately using WP Beaver Builder on your next WordPress project.

Here's the juice:

Beaver Builder is Fun and Easy to Use

I'm not trying to sound cliche, drum up support for the plugin or anything of the sort, but I must confess Beaver Builder is one hell of a ride. It's super easy to install, learn and use, and since there's just so much you can achieve with little effort, it is a ton of fun to play with.


For starters, it ships with an intuitive drag and drop interface that's a breeze to work with. I mean, even the absolute beginner can whip up a great website in the time it takes to finish a sandwich.

Why is that so? You get to build your website on the front-end, seeing the changes as your readers would see your website. It works just like the WordPress theme customizer, but it's way better.


With Beaver Builder, nothing can tie your hands as far as WordPress website development goes. Even the free version is jampacked with awesome features that are ideal for real-world WordPress projects.

Beaver Builder is your gateway to a world of new ideas, great design and happy clients. The only limitations, of course, are those that stem from your own imagination.

Wonna inject a little fun and enthusiasm back into website development? Beaver Builder is exactly what you need.

Fast and Lightweight

You know me, I will do everything in my power to tie one point to the next. It's what I get paid to do. Haha. Anyways, fun and easy go well with fast and lightweight, don't you think? You see, if it's not fast and lightweight, it can never be fun and easy, now can it? Well, that's besides the point.

Beaver Builder runs on Bootstrap, and even with the myriad modules et cetera, there's absolutely zero bloat. The developers built Beaver Builder with clean and straight forward code, which executes instantaneously. If there's any lag (or drag), then it has everything to do with your PC, or perhaps your internet connection.

Adding rows, columns, videos, testimonials, and galleries among other features is a matter of drag and drop. After which, the features show up immediately as if on steroids.


Since Beaver Builder utilizes the best web coding standards, don't expect it to exhaust your server resources as is the case with many other plugins of this nature. This saves you a buck, and seeing that you don't have to wait for any of the features to play along, you end up saving a great deal of effort and time as well.

Fast and lightweight, mi amigo, is good. Really good.

Beaver Builder is Fully Customizable

What could you possibly do with a rigid WordPress page builder? You guessed right,nothing! Or so little. If your page builder of choice is set in stone, you can expect your development efforts to stagnate. You need all the flexibility you can get, and Beaver Builder plays ball.

Firstly, as we mentioned earlier, Beaver Builder is a complete framework. Other than the many features Beaver Builder is best known for, it comes with a unique and easy-to-customize child theme. All you have to do is install Beaver Builder and the BB theme, activate both, add your own content and hit publish. As easy as A, B, C.

Secondly, Beaver Builder is compatible with the vast majority of WordPress themes. If, for one reason or another, you hate the pre-packaged child theme, please feel free to use your own WordPress theme.


You don't have to worry about plugin-theme conflicts. You will still have the ability to build your custom designs on your very own theme. Isn't that sweet?

Beaver Builder doesn't stop there; it knows no discrimination, and it will work also with your custom designed themes and theme frameworks, so worry not.

By the way, did I mention Beaver Builder supports shortcodes and widgets as well? I don't think I did, but it does baby. It supports widgets and shortcodes, meaning you have even more room for customization.

Last but definitely not least is the fact that you get twelve (12) pre-built homepage templates, and eleven (11) inner page layouts such as contact, portfolio, about us and services among others. That's more than 20 pre-made designs ready for the taking!

You can use a single layout or replace it with any of the templates with a single click. You can even append a template, two or more depending on your needs and preferences. There are no limits – no limits at all.

With Beaver Builder, you truly are in charge of your designs.

Beaver Builder SEO Ready

Search engine optimization is an important aspect of every website that wants to make it on the web. You need your website and your clients' to spur well in search engine result pages (SERPs). This is exactly why you need a WordPress page builder that gets you closer and closer to better SEO rankings. Beaver Builder is that page builder.

Where are the factoids brother? Are you making this up? I wish I was. Beaver Builder uses the best SEO standards such as code compression and among others to ensure the pages you create are easy to find in search engines.

Translation Ready

At the end of the day, the web pages (websites) you create must serve the end user. If the language, however, is a barrier, then you're bound to lose prospects Shanghai, Johannesburg, and New York.

The best course of action here would be to build a multi-lingual site that serves international users from all walks of life.

It's great news then to know that Beaver Builder supports the famous WMPL plugin, meaning all the pages you build will be ready for the entire universe as long as you're running the WMPL translator.

Beaver Builder is also fully compatible with one of the best WordPress multilingual plugins, Weglot.

Beaver Builder is 100% Responsive

The last thing you want in this time and era is a fixed-width or rigid website that is as repulsive as a monkey in a negligee when viewed on mobile devices. Why is that so? A while back, Google announced that mobile search volume would surpass desktop search volume come 2015 going forward.

And as soon as this became a reality, Google went ahead and rolled out mobile-friendly labels in their search results. Have you seen those?


Today, your mobile prospects will know whether your site is mobile friendly long before they click through. If you're keen, you should see how these labels will affect click through rates.

More people continue to join the smartphone revolution, and as long as the penetration of mobile devices continues to deepen, you cannot afford to build fixed-width websites. Responsive web design is the in-thing, and Beaver Builder makes it the easier to implement.

As long as your WordPress theme is responsive, every page you build using WP Beaver builder will be responsive. How suave?

A Million and One Modules

No limits is the way of Beaver Builder. The developers would like you to have absolutely no excuse to jump in bed with the competition. As such, they have thrown in a wide range of modules for good measure. Here's a teaser list of the available modules:

  • Custom HTML
  • Iconand Icon group
  • Map
  • Photo
  • Headings
  • Video
  • Text editor
  • Gallery
  • Accordion
  • Pricing tables
  • Buttons
  • Testimonials
  • Et cetera, et cetera

The list of features goes on and on I'm already getting dizzy design ideas. Aren't you feeling inspired already? A little inspired perhaps? No? Moving on…

Multisite Capable

Own a network of sites? Well and good, Beaver Builder supports multisite installs, which save you a great deal of effort, and oh so precious time.

If you are run an agency, you should check out the Agency package that comes with a network-wide control panel that gives super admins the power to configure Beaver Builder from one central point. Speak of convenience and efficiency.

Oh lest I forget, the Agency package also allows you to white label, you know, change the branding (logos, names etc) to appease your clients.

Yeah, clients like these:


WooCommerce Support

You're dead wrong if you thought you can only work on pages using Beaver Builder. On top of supporting pages (obviously), posts and custom post types, you can use Beaver Builder to create a WooCommerce store drag-and-drop style.


Yeah, it's that easy; just drag and drop your products and Voila! You have an online store.

Import/Export Functionality

I can't tell you the number of times this feature has saved my arse from fire. Countless times, I have had to tear websites down, and rebuild them from scratch. What? Clients have demands you know, and they are always right.

Were it not for the import/export feature, I would have lost the content and my mind every single time.

Now, thanks to Beaver Builder's in-built import/export functionality, you can take advantage of WordPress import/export tools to save your content, share your layouts with collaborators and/or migrate your site without a grain of worry.

Without a grain of worry sounds about right, huh? Meh.

Beaver Builder's World-Class Support

The good guys (and girls) over at Beaver Builder want to bend over backwards to make Beaver Builder work for you. More importantly, they want to chat you up and get to know you.

Why else would they work so hard to provide world-class support? You will get solutions within minutes, but if there are any delays as it were, they always get back to you within 24 to 48 hours. The awesome support crew is usually available Monday to Thursday from 9AM to 4PM PST and Friday from 9AM to 12PM PST.

With that out of the way, how do you setup and start building websites instantly using Beaver Builder?

How to Build WordPress Sites Instantly with WP Beaver Builder

It's really simple. You need to:

  • Install the Beaver Builder Plugin
  • Install the Beaver Builder Theme
  • Activate both
  • Launch the Beaver Builder
  • And create your site

Installing Beaver Builder Plugin

After completing your order, you will receive the Beaver Builder plugin and the Beaver Builder theme. Just go toPlugins -> Add Newand choose "Upload Plugin".


Activate Beaver Builder once it is installed, and using your license key, enable remote updates and support. You can also get updates by subscribing.


Once you enable the remote updates, Beaver Builder will redirect you to the settings page automatically.

Alternatively, you can access the page builder settings screen by navigating toSettings -> Page Builder.


On the page builder settings screen, you can choose the modules you'd like to enable/disable.

Further, you can choose to enable/disable templates, specific post types and icon sets. On top of that, you can set editing capability of users, white label the page builder and uninstall the Beaver Builder from the settings screen.


Enable/disable your options accordingly, and let's move on to installing the Beaver Builder theme.

Installing Beaver Builder Theme

This should be easy. Just navigate toAppearance -> Themesand choose "Add New". On the next screen, choose "Upload Theme".


Activate your theme, which should take you back to the Themes screen. You should see your new active theme: Beaver Builder Theme.


Side note:Update Beaver Builder theme if there's an update available as this will ensure you have the latest features and the best security.

The Beaver Builder theme screenshot contains a Customize button that launches the enhanced theme customizer.

On the theme customizer, you can choose theme presets ranging from classic to modern and midnight among others. This sets the base colors to anything you fancy.


Under the General tab, you gain access to layout options (e.g. boxed vs full width), background, accent color, headings and text.

Other tabs on the theme customizer navigation include header, content, footer, widgets, code, settings and export/import. Under these tabs, you gain access to options that allow you to customize the corresponding sections as you wish.

After you make your changes, all you have to do is hit the "Save & Publish" button at the top and your work is done!


Of course, you can use any other theme, not just the Beaver Builder theme.

Alternative Method

Once your Beaver Builder plugin and theme are installed and active, navigate toPages -> Add Newto launch theAdd New Pagescreen. On the visual editor, just next to where you we have "Text Editor", you should notice the page builder tab (VM, Inc. Test Grounds in our case).


Click on this tab to launch the page builder in its entirety. Now here is where the real drag-and-drop action goes down. This is where we have all the fun.


Once you click that "Add Content" button at the top, a side panel carrying all the sweet elements emerges:


Thanks to the panel, you can add everything from sliders, social sharing buttons and more by dragging and dropping 'em on the canvas. Trust me, you will feel like a web design pro in no time.

Once you're satisfied with your new website, just click "Done", and choose to "Publish Changes", "Save Draft" or "Discard Draft".


When you give Beaver Builder a try, you'll be hooked immediately. You will want to have Beaver Builder in your design arsenal, and you won't look back. Guaranteed.

Final Word…

Beaver Builder is the ultimate WordPress page builder, thanks to a horde of sweet features that integrate seamlessly to give you a design experience like no other.

Of course, they have a free version with limited options, but with the Standard package starting at just $99 bucks, there's nothing stopping you from designing WordPress websites straight out of your dreams.

All you have to do now is head over to WP Beaver Builder, and start your adventure. Have fun and see you on the other side of this nice button…

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How To Install Beaver Builder On Wordpress


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